The first commercial drone-delivery ever!


Some popcorn, and a video streaming device were the first commercially transported goods on earth, by a drone at least. It all happened on 07/12/2016 in the UK near Cambridge, and the transport took 13 minutes to complete. The company achieving this success was Amazon, and they released a short video of the event.

“First-ever AmazonPrimeAir customer delivery is in the books,” said Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos in a tweet.


But why are we in the UK? Because Amazon’s announced last summer that the government permitted the test drone deliveries in the country. Amazon is planning to expand the tests in 2017, to a 5-square-mile area of farmlands.

“It’s an interesting logistical concept, but not particularly viable in an urban environment,” said Ivan Hofmann, a transportation consultant and former FedEx executive. I don’t look for one to deliver in downtown Manhattan anytime soon.”

Anyhow interpreted, the historical milestone has been reached, it’s going to be on the pages of macroeconomics. It’ also rather likely, that drones are going to conquer large segments of the transportation industry, for a some simple reasons: they are getting cheaper, safer and more reliable by the day.

VIA: Washington Post

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